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Yoga for Scoliosis


The primary objective of Yoga for Scoliosis is to improve body mechanics and spinal stabilization to prevent further curve progression. For juveniles and adolescents, we strive for curve reduction, while adult treatment has an additional focus on pain management. Results vary by patient.
By addressing your specific curve, we work together to achieve curve reduction, de-rotation, elongation, and strengthening of muscles that support the spine. Breathwork is key to the process, and we use Clinical Somatics and the principles of the Schroth Method* to help achieve these goals.
We work together to help you understand how to properly use the postures and breathwork on your own. My goal is to empower you to practice when and wherever you are to align your spine and alleviate discomfort when it arises. Yoga Therapy for scoliosis is an alternative holistic approach to a healthier spine.
Sessions include personalized photos with instructions along with a yoga sequence tailored to your unique needs.

*For more extensive information on the Schroth Method, please visit


What to Expect at Your First Session

Visual Inspection

Observation of curve(s), shoulders, hips, head, pelvis, knees, ankles, and feet

Baseline Tests

Adam's Bend test, Body Map, range of motion, flexibility, chest expansion, palpation, muscle strength, and gait analysis

X-ray Review & Explanation

We'll examine your unique scoliosis pattern and begin developing a personalized treatment plan

Image by Sabine R


Includes personalized photos and written instructions.


How Long Are Sessions?

Sessions are typically booked for 60 minutes. However, depending on the client’s needs, we can schedule sessions for 45 minutes to 90 minutes.

I How Many Treatments Will I Need? 

The number of treatments required will depend on your initial prognosis, and how diligent you are about performing at-home exercises between sessions. Clients typically become independent with the program in six sessions.

What Should I Wear?

Athletic clothing that provides access to your back and spine.
Females: please wear a sports bra or bathing suit top, and athletic bottoms.
Males: please wear a shirt that is easy to remove, and athletic bottoms.

Do You Believe In Bracing?

Research has shown that the Schroth Method in combination with wearing a hard brace is most effective in halting the progression or decreasing the curve in adolescents. I highly recommend the Cheneau-Gensingen Brace. For additional information please visit.

Do You Take Insurance?

A super bill including the billing code can be provided to submit to your insurance provider.

Get in Touch

290 Strawser Hill Rd,

Millerstown, PA 17062

Have questions?  Send a message via the online form, or start a conversation with the live chat widget.


Thanks for reaching out. We will be in touch soon!

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